
SI " Federal Research Center of Transplantation and Artificial Organs . Academician VI SHumakova " Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation continues to develop its traditional activities inherent academician Valery Shumakov .

The number of cardiac operations increased compared with previous years. Further development of cardiovascular surgery , increasing the number and range of computer operations.

The priority for the Centre is a heart transplant . Number of transplants performed this vital organ in 2009 was 28 transactions ( 2008 - 15, 2007 - 10 operations in 2006 - 8 operations in 2005 - 3 operations ) . Thus, the number of operations performed heart transplants limited solely to the continuing shortage of donor

Full use of the cadaveric liver transplantation and kidney , provided the focal point of the Moscow Center for Organ Donation and Organ Donation coordination department of our center. To increase the number of cadaveric liver transplants , moreover, established contacts with donor service St. Petersburg, made ​​a successful remote withdrawal liver , its transportation to Moscow and perform transplants . Brigade led by the Director of the Center S.V.Gote performed the country's first three operations on division one cadaveric liver for two recipients - an adult and a child. Cadaveric liver transplantation results correspond to those in the world ( one-year survival of recipients - 90%). Period of observation was 18 years. Odnomomentye transplants performed complex organs: liver and kidney , pancreas, and kidneys.

Since the appointment of the Director of the Center S.V.Gote begun implementation of a fundamentally new and unique program for domestic practice - related liver transplantation. Special social significance have operations in children , including the first year of life . Currently, the Center is the only institution in the country that provide this kind of high-tech medical care. Total results of operations performed under the supervision of team S.V.Gote , children also meet the best international data ( one-year survival of more than 95 % of recipients , no complications related donor liver fragments ) . Observation periods - more than 11 years .